SALON COMPARAISONS – ART CAPITAL 2025 – Nave of the Grand Palais – Paris 8e – France
• February 18 to 22, 2025
• Opening Tuesday February 18, 3pm to 10pm – Access by invitation only.
This year, the emblematic show returns under Europe’s largest glass roof in the historic Grand Palais, from February 19 to 22, 2025. Art Capital is an integral part of France’s intangible heritage, and its DNA is none other than creation, which brings together over 2,000 international artists every year.

Nave of the Grand Palais – Av. du Général Eisenhower – Paris
For the 7th year running, Florence Lemiegre is one of the artists invited by sculptor William Noblet, head of the “Sculpture plurielle” group at ART CAPITAL 2025’s Comparaisons art fair in Paris. The artist will present “La Florentine” from her Noli me tangere collection. An earthenware sculpture in fine chamoté white clay, glazed with an array of exuberant, shimmering colors subtly blended together.

W: 14,56 in – P: 14,56 in – H: 12,99 in – Weight: 17.64 ib
Contemporary ceramic sculpture by Florence Lemiegre

W: 14,56 in – P: 14,56 in – H: 12,99 in – Weight: 17.64 ib
Contemporary ceramic sculpture by Florence Lemiegre

Contemporary ceramic sculpture by Florence Lemiegre
Through embracing, captive draperies, coral-like plant and organic forms, interlocking lamellae and chiselled lace, the artist explores the wounds at the heart of our planet’s flesh, symbolically denouncing the decline of oceanic health: sea and clay find correspondences and retain the imprints of traumas and aggressions suffered.

Contemporary ceramic sculpture by Florence Lemiegre

Contemporary ceramic sculpture by Florence Lemiegre
Two small Noli me tangere Pistils, “Tiny mama deep blues Milia et Puncta” and “Tiny mama deep blues Candidus”, will also be on display in the small-format area at Comparaisons.

W: 3,93 cm – D: 3,93 cm – H: 5,51 cm – Weight: 0,99 ib
Contemporary ceramic sculpture by Florence Lemiegre

Contemporary ceramic sculpture by Florence Lemiegre

W: 4,33 in – D: 5,11 in – H: 4,33 in – Weight: 0,74 ib
Contemporary ceramic sculpture by Florence Lemiegre
Didier FUSILLIER, Managing Director, Réunion des musées nationaux – Grand Palais
Art Capital, born of the merger of the Salon des Indépendants, the Salon des artistes français, the Salon Comparaisons and the Salon drawing & watercolor, is a key event on the French art scene. Its spirit of freedom and the diversity of the works and artists presented enable nearly 40,000 visitors, professionals and members of the general public alike, to discover an unprecedented panorama of current artistic production. Founded on an open, dynamic encounter between artistic disciplines and viewpoints, Art Capital is a natural fit with the venue’s project.
… After four successive editions at the Grand Palais Éphémère, it’s a great pleasure to see this unique event return to the Nave of the Grand Palais.
“True creation is free of dogma and necessarily multiple. It is worthy of interest when it is demanding, free and singular. Beyond originality, the strength of a work lies in its uniqueness. In this way, Sculpture Plurielle brings together expressions that share demanding research, plastic qualities, originality and independence. If abstraction is dominant, it is not erected as an absolute dogma”.
William NOBLET, sculptor and Sculpture plurielle group leader
Art Capital, a unique experience through today’s living art.
Every year, Art Capital’s team of passionate supporters helps to reinvent itself and write art history within the iconic walls of the Grand Palais. The various art fairs certainly have their strengths, but they also have rare weapons: who better than Art Capital to forge a direct link between artists and the public, to encourage them to produce and show their work, and to gain access to the art market without being subject to it.
Born in 2006 out of the desire of the so-called “Historical Salons of the Grand Palais” and artists from diverse backgrounds to play off their differences and join forces to create a new, unifying event, Art Capital is now one of the biggest art fairs in Europe, created by Artists for Artists. It has established itself as a major event on the French art scene, and remains the largest gathering of artists in France.
Art Capital brings together 4 historic salons under a single banner: the Salon des artistes français (created in 1880), the Salon des indépendants (1884), the Salon Comparaisons (1954) and the Salon du dessin et de la peinture à l’eau (1949 for drawing, with watercolor added in 1954). – For the past 16 years, ART CAPITAL has been bringing together emerging and established artists.
Artists’ salons make the history of art and Paris: four entities with different histories, but based on the same principle: they are artists’ associations that organize annual exhibitions for their members.
The COMPARAISONS art fair is dedicated to presenting an original panorama of contemporary art, as complete as humanly possible, organized by group and managed by a group leader. The artists, selected and invited by the group leader, come mainly from France, but also from other countries. Open to the international scene, the show also welcomes a number of foreign delegations, obviously in groups representing the state of creation in their countries.
The Comparaisons show features 31 groups, corresponding to as many sensibilities and trends in contemporary art.
President of Comparaisons 2025 : painter Yvon Neuville
LE SALON COMPARAISONS – ART CAPITAL 2025 – Nave of the Grand Palais
Opening by invitation only, Tuesday February 18, 2025 from 3 pm to 10 pm.
Exhibition open to the public from Wednesday February 19 to Saturday February 22, 2025.
Opening hours: Wednesday 19th and Thursday 16th, 11am to 8pm – Friday 21st, 11am to 10pm, Saturday 22nd, 10am to 6pm.
Grand Palais
3 Av. du Général Eisenhower
75 008 PARIS